Priority Habitat is a film, created during the Maritima 01 residency, emerged through close collaboration with scientists from the IMEDMAR-UCV Institute in Valencia, Spain.
Working alongside the Mediterranean diver Wilfried Bruneau, the dancer Ann Barros, and the musician Gabo Lora, the project unfolded as a collective effort.
Priority Habitat is a shamanic dance that delves into the underwater movement of the Marine Plant Posidonia Oceanica, portraying it as a quest for survival. It encapsulates the spiritual journey of a hybrid being undergoing metamorphosis into a creature that is part-human, part-plant—a poignant tribute to Ecofeminist thinking. Navigating the border between two living species, this project resides at the intersection of art, performance, science, ecological commitment, and our responses to the challenges posed by climate change.
At the border of two living species. This project sits at the intersection of art, performance, science, ecological commitment, and our actions in the face of climate change.
Interview: https://www.maritima01.com/post/interview-with-kalie-granier
Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporania (Valencia-Spain): /www.consorcimuseus.gva.es/centro-del-carmen/actividades/projeccio-internacional-de-videoart-residencias-maritima01/?fbclid=IwAR3rCqqFSlyqdqb4sJgk5lXTbi2B9RgF6zMWmXFp3xddS1l0TedFWcab9xY
LOOP BARCELONA – Loop Festival November 2020: https://loop-barcelona.com/activity/mare-nostrum-fragile-vita/
Centre Cultural LA NAU (Valencia-Spain): www.uv.es/uvweb/cultura/ca/llista-activitat/-maritima-01-1285871673078/Activitat.html?id=1286144316954